مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : The Full moon missing the Earth

08-30-2003, 09:46 AM
The Full moon missing the Earth:

In the middle of the month in the night, the Full moon is so height, so light. Earth pray, to meet him on the cloud, the Full moon weep & cry, because she is so far, she is on the land and he is on the Sky, but both of the heart are so tight.

With the fight, with the sly, the love still a energize, with the wrong with the right, the love will be ray.

The love as the clay, it’s shin like the light, on the cloud lye, waiting for the day to meet the eyes.

This tears make the sea and the rivers in the Earth, until the Full moon dry, from the water and be white. It’s make the life on the land so nice.

Earth is the love, she is shy, she is sweet and nice, she is so pretty , so sexy Whew. The Full moon love her till die, he loved her between all the Stars in the Sky, he chose her from the Earth where she is far, where is she lye. with her shining eyes.

He pray every day with all the rite, to meet the Queen of the land, to meet the star of the earth.

Every day he write, the love is not Wile and he always say that he get the life Whit.

While Earth on the Earth she have choosing the Full moon who’s in the Sky, he’s Sway, between all the guys.

From drops of tears. Hand in hand Love is sent, Till the end or die.

Just tell me Why? Why is the sky height, Why is the space is so wide, Why is the Earth is so far. Far from the Stars, the Full moon and the Sky. Tell me Why?

Just tell me Why?



مـ الليل ـلاك
09-13-2003, 04:22 AM
The Full moon missing the Earth

you th at grooooooooooooooooh (42)

and you faresh go go so rytng you(38)

by by

12-14-2003, 02:57 AM
you welacm (109) (109)
